Fly Up Beauty Color HD Cosmetics Canada
FLY UP BEAUTY COLOR HD COSMETICS CANDADA, one of the most popular professional make-up products around the world, consists of various and bright colors, pursuits high-level quality of complexion and make-up tools. FLY UP BEAUTY COLOR also known as “the professional make-up for artists”. The FLY UP team was responsible for all kinds of cosmetic innovations. They developed excellent make-up techniques for movie special effects and fashionable looks. Highly fine and delicate quality protects your skins and gives a lightweight feel on your skins with excellent durability. Besides, the characteristic of cosmetic product knowledge and application techniques to be used in not only worldwide make-up but the CF-and-TV media institutions, fashion show makeup, movie and artist makeup.
幻色蝶影專業彩妝系列,與法國大廠 Stearinerie Dubois Fils 及 Codif International 技術合作,採用天然礦物質成份以高尖端科技製造而成,品牌秉持上妝同時保養的理念,並且創新研發領導彩妝界的自動導色數位底妝科技,讓底妝的選擇與步驟更加精簡。長期以來除了與國際時尚秀場的後台合作之外,對於電影戲劇與時尚節目的後台彩妝支援也一直是品牌引領專業流行的重要指標,更是許多國內外頂尖造型大師、彩妝藝術學院、專業造型沙龍指定使用之彩妝品牌。