Tax Information

Tax And Duties

Kindly note that all packages are shipped from Canada. Our items are shipping duty unpaid and therefore import tax may occur depending on your country's Customs and shipping method. You may check with your local Customs Office for more information. 

Do I have to pay tax on orders I buy at
Maybe. It depends on what country you are receiving the goods in.

Tax is a complex issue, because it depends what country you are receiving the goods into. Some countries are easy to import into, and have few restrictions and no taxes. Other countries are ultra restrictive and have high taxes. Before you start importing bigger quantities of products to your country, you'll need to research what the law and practices are in your country.

Please read the following notes for some basic background...

Import Duty and Sales Tax Charged By Your Country:

Some countries charge tax on certain imported products, at certain quantity/value levels. You are responsible for finding out the situation in your own country.

Whatever you order from, we will send you. We won't enforce any rules so it's up to you to make sure that what you are buying is OK to import in your country.

Many countries charge two kinds of tax when you import anything from overseas. These are (1) Sales Tax (VAT); (2) Import Duty. Usually these taxes are not very high,and the tax is calculated according to the value of the goods (+ shipping sometimes). On the other hand, many countries may not charge any tax on certain types of goods, or on small shipments.